Employee satisfaction describes how content people are in their current job. The factors that most directly impact it include: having adequate pay, being treated with respect and trust, job security, and the opportunity to learn and grow. Read on to learn more about why it is so important and what you can do to boost employee satisfaction at your organization.
Satisfied employees are less likely to leave their jobs. The more satisfied they are, the more attached they will be to their company and co-workers. This, in turn, will also boost their overall productivity.
These factors combine to create a more desirable company culture and are also responsible for lower turnover rates. That way, they enable companies to grow at a steady pace without having to train new staff all the time.
Employee disengagement costs the US economy between $450 and 550 billion each year. As only 34% of employees are actually engaged at work, this staggering number may not come as such a surprise.
As a satisfied employee is a more engaged employee, one that is more invested in the future of the company and its goals, it’s clear that investing in employee satisfaction means investing in your company’s future.
Let’s take a look at four ways to improve employee satisfaction:
Before you start making any changes, you need to understand how satisfied your staff currently is. Talk to them in person and one-on-one, or conduct anonymous surveys to identify your current baseline. Be as specific with your questions as possible, and identify the biggest obstacles that need to be tackled right away. Encourage honesty and provide a safe environment in which your staff feels heard and seen. Otherwise, the answers you get won’t be worth much. - PROVIDE MORE AUTONOMY
Employees with higher work autonomy are reported to be more satisfied with their jobs. As they feel less like a cog in a big machine and more like a valued member of a team, they are much happier with what they do.
Providing autonomy can include anything from providing a hybrid work model to letting each individual choose the order of the tasks they will tackle in a day.
Remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution you can apply. You need to assess each employee’s needs to provide them with the kind of autonomy they will benefit from the most. Don’t be surprised if some people also want to have as little autonomy as possible and want to be managed quite closely. - ADD AN ELEMENT OF FUN
The more your employees are able to feel like a team, the better they will work together. Most people won’t go out of their way to help a stranger, but they will lend a hand to a friend. The better they know their co-workers, the more they will be there for each other in times of need.
Start an office game of Scrabble or Words With Friends to foster camaraderie and friendly competition. You can even create your own anagrams and word games with the help of an online word unscrambler and reward the most successful player each month. - TAKE THE TIME TO LISTEN
In order to feel satisfied, employees want to feel valued. The best way to show them you care is to listen to them, whatever it is they want to share with you.
Establish clear lines of communication for different purposes. Let your employees know what the best way to reach you is, depending on the urgency of the situation. Set aside some time in your calendar to chat with people. Don’t always wait for them to come to you: reach out to people on a regular basis and ask them how they’re doing. Always strive to learn what you can do to help them do their job better and enjoy it more.
Improving employee satisfaction can significantly improve the overall productivity of your staff, reduce turnover rates, and ensure you reach your goals with less turbulence. Consider your team’s needs and how best to achieve them carefully, and make sure to tailor each solution to every individual.