Positivity in the Workplace
Empathy, appreciation, understanding and optimism are amongst the main things that employees want within their workplace. Achieving these three things will create a positive working environment. How do you achieve them?
As a practice, you should hold regular team meetings where people within the organisation can come together and share ideas and hear about what’s happening with everyone else within the organisation. This opens communication and creates a culture where the staff feel that their voices are being heard and respected. Practices should involve everyone in settings goals for the vision for the organisation. This will create a sense of belonging and will nurture positive environment for the team.
Create a culture where each employee respects each other’s roles within the organisation. Senior team members or management can promote an ethos that every person within the company is equal. This enables and supports team spirit across various departments. Understanding that everyone is working together to meet the same goal creates respect. Treat others how you would like to be treated yourself.
Reward good work by offering praise and investing in rewards for those who go above and beyond.
Be consistent and cooperative
Building strong working relationships doesn’t happen overnight in an organisation and it doesn’t happen in one induction session when a new employee starts. Management needs to continually reinforce the importance of teamwork and be consistent with how they provide a positive culture. Don’t talk the talk if you can’t walk the walk.
Ongoing encouragement, communication, respect, collaboration and understanding of roles ensures that everyone knows they are all working towards a common goal. This actively promotes and creates a positive working environment.
Tips and ideas to create a positive working environment
- Use positive language when speaking with fellow employees, e.g., starting sentences with “I’m impressed with…” or “I appreciate…”
- Say please and thank you – it’s polite and it makes people feel appreciated
- Find ways to motivate and inspire the people around you
- Reward success
- Celebrate birthdays, marriages, pregnancies, new house, promotions – anything and everything! Buy cards, flowers, chocolates and CAKE!
- Promote active listening even in situations where there are disagreements – trying to understand other viewpoints helps move towards a good compromise
- Support and promote fun!
- Be kind